Finally, Win32 socket error messages are reporting correctly.
In a stroke of good fortune (finally) it turns out Win32 socket
error codes don't quite overlap with PCP error codes (was quite
a worried lad there for awhile), and it is possible to make them
coexist peacefully. Took alot of pain, but finally they are now
being reported sensibly.
The latest, and last for awhile hopefully, gotcha found and fixed
here is that you cannot pass WSA (Windows sockets) errors to the
generic errno strerror routine, even though they don't overlap -
might be the format flags to FormatMessage Win32 API ... which is
likely underlying strerror on Windows.
Finally, Win32 socket error messages are reporting correctly.
In a stroke of good fortune (finally) it turns out Win32 socket
error codes don't quite overlap with PCP error codes (was quite
a worried lad there for awhile), and it is possible to make them
coexist peacefully. Took alot of pain, but finally they are now
being reported sensibly.
The latest, and last for awhile hopefully, gotcha found and fixed
here is that you cannot pass WSA (Windows sockets) errors to the
generic errno strerror routine, even though they don't overlap -
might be the format flags to FormatMessage Win32 API ... which is
likely underlying strerror on Windows.