



Menu Commands » History » Revision 1

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Hamish, 2008-04-23 15:35

h1. Menu Commands

h2. close

  • Stop serial communications

h2. copyright

  • Print the copyright notice

h2. data

  • Set number of data bits

h2. help

  • This guff

h2. kill_conn

  • Stop a given connection's serial communications

h2. open

  • Connect or resume communications with a serial port

h2. parity

  • Set the serial parity

h2. port

  • Set serial port number

h2. quit

  • exit from this session

h2. show_conn_table

  • Show the connections table

h2. speed

  • Set serial port speed

h2. status

  • Show current serial port status

h2. stop

  • Set number of stop bits

Updated by Hamish over 16 years ago · 1 revisions