


Menu Commands » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Hamish, 2008-04-23 16:23) → Revision 4/11 (Hamish, 2008-04-23 16:33)

h1. Menu Commands 

 Note that it is currently planned to completely replace the menu system for the next version of wconsd, so these commands will be changing. 

 h2. close 


 If the Stop serial port is current open, this command will close it and stop any serial communications. communications 

 h2. copyright 


 Print the copyright notice 

 h2. data 

   data *5|6|7|8* 

 Sets the Set number of data bits.    This command will not have any affect until the port is closed and re-opened. bits 

 h2. help 

 Show some quick help for the menu commands 

 h2. kill_conn 

   kill_conn *Connection ID* 

 Stop a given connection's serial communications.    This will close the serial port being used by the given *connection ID* and thus allow someone else to open that port.    This command can be used when an existing session has crashed, or if someone else has logged in and is blocking your work.    Since there is no authentication, this command is obviously open to abuse. communications 

 h2. open 

   open *[port number]* 

 Connect or resume communications with a serial port.    If no port number is specified then the current default port number is used.    If an serial port is already open, this will just resume communication with that port. 

 h2. parity 

   parity *no|even|odd|mark|space* 

 Set the serial parity.    This command will not have any affect until the port is closed and re-opened. parity 

 h2. port 

   port *port number* 

 Set serial port number.    This command will not have any affect until the port is closed and re-opened. number 

 h2. quit 


 Exit from this session 

 h2. show_conn_table 


 Show the connections table.    This table is mostly used for internal debugging information, however it contains the connection ID for all the current connections, which can be used with the *kill_conn* command 

 <pre style="background-color:black; color:green"> 
 w000c2989d2df> show_conn_table 
 slot state id Menu mThr Net net    netTh Ser serial serialTh Echo netrx nettx 
 ---- ----- -- ---- ---- --- ---- ----- --- ------ -------- ---- ----- ----- 
 0      ACTIV    1 YES    1884 OK    1900       0 OK      1848       1840 YES       76    1886 
 1      ACTIV    2 YES    1860 OK    1872       0           -1          0 YES       14     783 
 2             0           0          0       0            0          0 NO         0       0 
 3             0           0          0       0            0          0 NO         0       0 
 4             0           0          0       0            0          0 NO         0       0 
 5             0           0          0       0            0          0 NO         0       0 
 6             0           0          0       0            0          0 NO         0       0 
 7             0           0          0       0            0          0 NO         0       0 

 * *state* is *ACTIV* if the slot contains valid data 
 * *id* contains the connection ID for this slot 
 * *Menu* is *YES* if this connection is currently at the menu prompt 
 * *Net* is *OK* if there is a network connection for this slot and signals that the other two net columns contain valid data.    In normal operations, there should never be an ACTIV slot with no Net connection 
 * *Ser* is *OK* if there is an open serial connection for this slot and signals that the other two ser columns contain valid data. 

 h2. speed 

   speed *bits per second* 

 Set serial port speed.    This command will not have any affect until the port is closed and re-opened. speed 

 h2. status 


 Show current serial port status 

 <pre style="background-color:black; color:green"> 
 w000c2989d2df> status 

   port=1    speed=9600    data=8    parity=0    stop=0 

   connectionid=1    hostname=w000c2989d2df 


 h2. stop 

   stop *1|1.5|2* 

 Set number of stop bits.    This command will not have any affect until the port is closed and re-opened. bits