Revision 11780c4c
Added by Hamish Coleman almost 18 years ago
- ID 11780c4c88b85ca626c48d90cba06e42eaa5df7a
mrtg.cgi | ||
# mrtgindex.cgi v 1.1
# Flexible MRTG index page
# Based on original work done by, mostly rewritten
# by
# (c) 1997, Mick Ghazey
# Thanks to Dave Rand, Peter W. Osel and Tobias Oetiker.
# Requires the CGI package (in mandriva this is perl-CGI)
use strict;
use warnings;
# Why CGI?
# Mrtgindx.cgi has features that only CGI can provide.
# Runtime index:
# The index page is built every time the page is requested.
# Changes to config files are visible on the next update.
# Clickable graphs:
# Each graph is a clickable hyperlink to more information.
# Automatic updates:
# The index page automatically updates every 5 minutes.
# Modify $interval to adjust this period.
# Timely updates:
# Mrtgindx.cgi predicts when to update based on when the
# current graphs were completed.
# Updates occurs shortly after the graphs are completed
# regardless of when the page was initially requested.
# Modify $guardband to adjust this period.
# If the guardband is too small you run the risk of attempting
# an update while a graph is under construction.
# Predictable graph order:
# Graphs appear in the same order as Titles in the config files.
# If there are multiple config files graphs from the first config
# file appear before those from the second, etc.
# Customizable graph order:
# If you want your index ordered differently than your
# config files you can use a dummy config file. Mrtgindex.cgi is
# only interested in "Title" statements. You could, for example,
# have different dummy config files for different arangements
# of graphs.
# Web based graph order selection:
# Click Top, Up, Down, or Bot to change the position of a graph.
# Multiple config files:
# Mrtgindex.cgi supports multiple config files. Some users
# run mrtg with more than one config file. The reason may be
# because certain events are run on a different schedules,
# 5 and 10 minute intervals for example.
# Or perhaps multiple instances of mrtg are run
# to assure completion within a 5 minute interval.
# Ping-probes have longer run times than measuring traffic
# on local routers, for example. However, CPU load is similar.
# Modify the @config_files array below to suit your environment.
# Runs fast:
# Mrtgindx.cgi is fast because it doesn't create graph files or
# maintain log files. In addition, web based graph order changes
# benefit from browser cacheing of graphs.
# Index.cgi:
# You might want to rename this file "index.cgi". Then it
# will load automatically when when the directory is browsed -
# much as index.html loads automatically. You might have to
# modify "DirectoryIndex" in srm.conf if you're using Apache
# to allow CGI programs to be index files.
# required:
# Mrtgindex.cgi requires by Lincoln Stein
# Modify this statement to match your configuration
#@config_files = ('/usr/share/WWW/mrtg/mrtg.cfg'); # Single config file
#@config_files = ('mrtg.cfg', 'mrtg-ping.cfg'); # Two config files
#@config_files = ('mrtg.cfg', '', '', '', ''); # anal retentive
@config_files = ('/etc/mrtg.cfg'); # Single config file
require '';
use CGI ':all';
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Sys::Hostname;
#use diagnostics;
my %ysizes;
my %xsizes;
my $xsize_default = 500;
$gifdone = 0; # Scan for newest graph and save info for later
while(@config_files > 0){
open(In, $cfg = shift @config_files) ||
die "Can't open $cfg. Check \@config_files array.\n";
if ( $_ =~ /^YSize\[(.*)\]:\s*(.+)$/ ) {
$ysizes{lc $1} = $2 +35;
my @config_files = (
# FIXME - globals
my $gifdone = 0; # Scan for newest graph and save info for later
my $warnings;
sub init_tests() {
my $xsize_default = 400;
my $testmax=0;
my @list;
my %tests;
while(@config_files > 0){
my $cfg;
if (!open(In, $cfg = shift @config_files) ) {
$warnings .= "Warning: Could not open $cfg file\n";
my $testnr;
my $testname;
my $var;
my $val;
#TODO - parse WorkDir: directives
#TODO - instantiate new tests from "_"
if ( $_ =~ /^([^#[][^[]+)\[(.*)\]:\s*(.+)$/ ) {
$testname=lc $2;
if (! exists $tests{$testname}) {
$list[$testmax]->{name} = $testname;
$list[$testmax]->{xsize} = $xsize_default +100;
$testnr = $testmax;
} else {
if ( $var eq 'YSize' ) {
$list[$testnr]->{ysize} = $val +35;
} elsif ( $var =~ /xsize/i ) {
$list[$testnr]->{xsize} = $val +100;
# FIXME - quick-hack
if ( $testname eq '_' ) {
$xsize_default = $val;
} elsif ( $var eq 'Title' ) {
$list[$testnr]->{title} = $val;
close In;
if ( $_ =~ /^XSize\[(.*)\]:\s*(.+)$/ ) {
$xsizes{lc $1} = $2 +100;
for my $i (@list) {
my $testname = $i->{name};
if (!exists($i->{title})) {
# Default is GIF, unless a PNG file exists
$i->{imagetype} = 'gif';
if ( -e "$testname-day.png" ) {
$i->{imagetype} = "png";
my $filename = $testname . "-day." . $i->{imagetype};
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size,
= stat($filename);
if (!defined $mtime) {
$i->{mtime} = $mtime;
# find the newest file
if ($mtime > $gifdone) {
$gifdone = $mtime;
if ( $_ =~ /^Xsize\[_\]:\s*(.+)$/ ) {
$xsize_default = $1 +100;
return @list;
sub init_lists(@) {
my (@tests) = @_;
my %lists;
my %hostlist;
my %hosttypelist;
my %hosttypecount;
for my $i (0..$#tests) {
my $testname = $tests[$i]->{name};
# Skip the defaults initializers
if ($testname eq '_') {
if ($testname eq '^') {
# Skip things with no separator in them
if ($testname =~ /,/) {
} else {
push @{$lists{'OTHER'}}, $tests[$i];
my ($group,$host,$test) = split ',', $testname;
if (defined $group) {
push @{$lists{'GROUP:'.$group}}, $tests[$i];
if (defined $host) {
push @{$lists{'HOST:'.$host}}, $tests[$i];
if (defined $test) {
push @{$lists{'TEST:'.$test}}, $tests[$i];
# TODO - this needs to have a better way...
# hosttype is the non digit hostname prefix - thus
# "proxy-1" and "proxy-2" would both end up in the
# "proxy-" hosttype
if ($host =~ m/^(.*[^0-9])(\d+)$/) {
my $hosttype = 'TYPE:'.$1.'*';
# count the number of hosts within each type
if (!defined $hostlist{$host}) {
push @{$hosttypelist{$hosttype}}, $tests[$i];
next unless /^Title\[(.*)\]:\s*(.+)$/; # Look for a title keyword
for my $i (keys %hosttypelist) {
if ($hosttypecount{$i} >1) {
push @{$lists{$i}}, @{$hosttypelist{$i}};
$router = lc $1;
@$router = ($st_mtime, $2); # Save the mod date and title
push @routers, $router; # Remember the router name so we can find above info
$gifdone = $st_mtime if $st_mtime > $gifdone; # Find the newest file
close In;
return %lists;
my @tests = init_tests();
my %lists = init_lists(@tests);
# FIXME - globals
# Time the next update to occur a little while after the next interval completes
$interval = 300; # 5 min update interval
$guardband = 15; # updates occur this many seconds after predicted gif completion
$refresh = $interval + $guardband + $gifdone - time; # predict how long until next update
my $interval = 300; # 5 min update interval
my $guardband = 15; # updates occur this many seconds after predicted gif completion
my $refresh = $interval + $guardband + $gifdone - time; # predict how long until next update
$refresh = $interval if $refresh <= $guardband;
$expires = gmtime (time + $interval * 2 + $guardband);
my $expires = gmtime (time + $interval * 2 + $guardband);
#selfurl is ready to append args to.
my $selfurl = url(-relative=>1).'?';
my $this_host = hostname;
print header, start_html(-TITLE=>"$this_host Daily Stats", -BGCOLOR=>'#e6e6e6'),
"<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"$expires GMT\">\n",
"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=$refresh>\n",
table({-width=>"100\%"}, TR(
# Uncomment the following line if you have Count.cgi installed.
# td({-align=>left, width=>"25\%"}, img({-src=>"/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?display=clock"})),
td("Click graph for more info")));
@router_order = (0..$#routers);
@router_order = split /:/, param('ord') if defined param('ord');
$selfurl = url;
$selfurl =~ s/\?.*//; # Remove arguments
for $index (0..$#routers){
@spliced = @router_order;
$router_num = splice @spliced, $index, 1; # Router removed
$router = $routers[$router_num];
$time = localtime $$router[0]; # $st_mtime saved in above loop
($time) = $time =~ /(\d+:\d+:\d+)/; # Just the time
print hr, "\n";
print a({-name=>$index});
# Print re-ordering links top, bot, up, dn
$mv_dn = $mv_up = "";
$" = ':';
if($index > 0){
@top = ($router_num, @spliced);
@up = @spliced;
$indxup = $index - 1;
splice @up, $indxup, 0, $router_num;
$mv_up = sprintf "%s %s ", a({-href=>"$selfurl?ord=@top#0"}, "Top"), # move to top
a({-href=>"$selfurl?ord=@up#$indxup"}, "Up"); # move up
if($index < $#routers){
@bot = (@spliced, $router_num);
@down = @spliced;
$indxdn = $index + 1;
splice @down, $indxdn, 0, $router_num;
$indxbot = @routers - 3;
while($indxbot < 0){$indxbot += 1}
$mv_dn = sprintf "%s %s ", a({-href=>"$selfurl?ord=@down#$indxdn"}, "Down"), # move down
a({-href=>"$selfurl?ord=@bot#$indxbot"}, "Bot"); # move to bottom
undef $";
print table({-width=>"100\%"},
TR(td({-align=>"left",-width=>"20\%"}, "$mv_up $mv_dn"),
td({-align=>"left"}, b($$router[1]), " $time")));
if ( exists $ysizes{$router} ) {
$ysize = $ysizes{$router};
} else {
$ysize = "135";
if ( exists $xsizes{$router} ) {
$xsize = $xsizes{$router};
} else {
#$xsize = "500";
$xsize = $xsize_default;
print a({-href=>"$router.html"}, img{-src=>"$router-day.png", -height=>"$ysize", -width=>"$xsize"});
print header, start_html(-TITLE=>"$this_host MRTG Index", -BGCOLOR=>'#e6e6e6'),
# FIXME - use something that doesnt make "&" into "&" in the <a> tags
if (!defined param('list')) {
print table({-width=>"100\%"}, TR(td("Select which list to show")));
print "\n<ul>\n";
for my $i (sort keys %lists) {
print " ".li(a({-href=>$selfurl."list=$i"},"$i"))."\n";
print "</ul>\n";
} elsif (!defined $lists{param('list')}) {
print table({-width=>"100\%"}, TR(td("That list is unavailable")));
} else {
my @list = @{$lists{param('list')}};
my $graph='day';
my $graph_unchecked='day';
if (defined param('graph')) {
"<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"$expires GMT\">\n",
"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=$refresh>\n";
print "<table>\n",
"<tr><td>Click graph for more info\n",
if ($graph_unchecked ne 'day') {
print a({-href=>$selfurl.'graph=day&'}, 'Daily')
} else {
print 'Daily';
print ' ';
if ($graph_unchecked ne 'week') {
print a({-href=>$selfurl.'graph=week&'}, 'Weekly')
} else {
print 'Weekly';
$graph = $graph_unchecked;
print ' ';
if ($graph_unchecked ne 'month') {
print a({-href=>$selfurl.'graph=month&'}, 'Monthly')
} else {
print 'Monthly';
$graph = $graph_unchecked;
print ' ';
if ($graph_unchecked ne 'year') {
print a({-href=>$selfurl.'graph=year&'}, 'Yearly')
} else {
print 'Yearly';
$graph = $graph_unchecked;
print ' ';
print a({-href=>url(-relative=>1)}, 'Change List'),
' ',
'(Current List is ',param('list'),")\n",
if ($graph ne 'day') {
my @display_order = (0..$#list);
@display_order = split /:/, param('ord') if defined param('ord');
for my $index (0..$#list){
my @spliced = @display_order;
my $router_num = splice @spliced, $index, 1; # Router removed
my $router = $list[$router_num];
# FIXME - what if mtime is undef?
my $time = localtime $router->{mtime}; # $st_mtime saved in above loop
($time) = $time =~ /(\d+:\d+:\d+)/; # Just the time
print hr, "\n";
print a({-name=>$index});
# Print re-ordering links top, bot, up, dn
my $mv_dn = "";
my $mv_up = "";
$" = ':';
if($index > 0){
my @top = ($router_num, @spliced);
my @up = @spliced;
my $indxup = $index - 1;
splice @up, $indxup, 0, $router_num;
# FIXME - need a way to append this correctly ..
$mv_up = sprintf "%s %s ", a({-href=>$selfurl."ord=@top#0"}, "Top"), # move to top
a({-href=>$selfurl."ord=@up#$indxup"}, "Up"); # move up
if($index < $#list){
my @bot = (@spliced, $router_num);
my @down = @spliced;
my $indxdn = $index + 1;
splice @down, $indxdn, 0, $router_num;
my $indxbot = @list - 3;
while($indxbot < 0){$indxbot += 1}
$mv_dn = sprintf "%s %s ", a({-href=>$selfurl."ord=@down#$indxdn"}, "Down"), # move down
a({-href=>$selfurl."ord=@bot#$indxbot"}, "Bot"); # move to bottom
undef $";
print table({-width=>"100\%"},
td({-align=>"left",-width=>"20\%"}, "$mv_up $mv_dn"),
" $time")
my ($ysize, $xsize);
if ( exists $router->{ysize} ) {
$ysize = $router->{ysize};
} else {
$ysize = "135";
if ( exists $router->{xsize} ) {
$xsize = $router->{xsize};
} else {
$xsize = "400";
print a({-href=>$router->{name}.".html"}, img{-src=>$router->{name}."-$graph.".$router->{imagetype}, -height=>"$ysize", -width=>"$xsize"});
if ($warnings) {
print "<pre>\n", "$warnings", "</pre>\n";
print "\n",hr,"Direct questions and feedback to Mick Ghazey: ",
a({-href=>"mailto:mick\"}, "mick\"),
#print "\n",hr,"Direct questions and feedback to Mick Ghazey: ",
# a({-href=>"mailto:mick\"}, "mick\"),
# end_html;
print "\n",hr,"Direct questions and feedback to Hamish: ",
a({-href=>"mailto:hamish\"}, "hamish\"),
Also available in: Unified diff
Roll my collected changes over the original