root/readme.txt @ 9db975ea
ff03d660 | Hamish Coleman | wconsd.c - serial port server service for Windows NT
Copyright (c) 2003 Benjamin Schweizer <gopher at h07 dot org>
1998 Stephen Early <>
* Installation:
wconsd.exe comes as a Windows Service. You must install this service
before you can use it. This is done by the command:
wconsd.exe -i c:\path\to\wconsd.exe
Now you can start/stop it over the services tab in the Control Center.
* Usage:
wconsd.exe listens on localhost:9600. You can connect with your
favourite terminal (PuTTY in my case;). Setup a raw connection -
no terminal controls will be handeled.
When you've connected there is a online help:
port, speed, data, parity, stop
help, status, copyright
open, close, autoclose
port [1..16] set port id (com1, ...)
speed [300..115200] set port speed
data [5|6|7|8] set data bits
parity [no|odd|even|mark|space] set parity
stop [one|one5|two] set stop bits
help print this help
status print port status
copyright print copyright notice and gpl
open opens comport
close closes comport
autoclose [false|true] close comport on socket lost?
The defaults are: com1,9600bps,8n1
* Uninstallation
wconsd.exe -r