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e592f8f7 Hamish Coleman

4dcb97c2 Hamish Coleman
struct SCM_def {
66a63de2 Hamish Coleman
char *name;
char *desc;
9c69afef Hamish Coleman
int mode; /* set to SVC_CONSOLE by the *-scm.c code */
b4d3bd2c Hamish Coleman
int argc; char **argv; /* original cmdline args */
9c69afef Hamish Coleman
int (*init)(int, char **); /* called before main */
int (*main)(int); /* called to run the service */
int (*stop)(int); /* called by scm to tell the service to stop */
e592f8f7 Hamish Coleman

9c69afef Hamish Coleman
int SCM_Start(struct SCM_def *, int argc, char **argv);
b4d3bd2c Hamish Coleman
char *SCM_Install(struct SCM_def *,char *);
4dcb97c2 Hamish Coleman
int SCM_Remove(struct SCM_def *);
e592f8f7 Hamish Coleman
#define SVC_OK 0
#define SVC_FAIL -1
#define SVC_CONSOLE 1