Bug #19
closedmore than one connection causes wierdness
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If the first connection is in the menu and a new connection arrives, it hangs.
If the first connection is talking to a serial port and a new connection arrives, then the first connection is terminated
Updated by Hamish almost 17 years ago
- Subject changed from wconsd cannot handle two connections at the same time to more than one connection causes wierdness
Updated by Hamish almost 17 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
There is less weirdness here now, but it is still not actually accepting more than one connection. The framework has been built to support multiple connections but the existing serial-data-pump logic is still using the old system
Updated by Hamish almost 17 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 30 to 100
Using the new connection model mostly fixes this problem. Any future issues should be considered a regression