


Menu Commands » History » Version 10

Hamish, 2018-07-28 21:07

1 9 Hamish
# Menu Commands
2 1 Hamish
3 4 Hamish
Note that it is currently planned to completely replace the menu system for the next version of wconsd, so these commands will be changing.
5 9 Hamish
## binary
6 1 Hamish
7 10 Hamish
8 6 Hamish
This command toggles the state of the binary mode.  Binary mode is required for correct use of file transfer protocols, such as *xmodem*.  This mode will be automatically turned on by some telnet clients (if they send the telnet option DO BINARY TRANSMISSION) in which case it may need to be manually turned off using this command.
11 9 Hamish
## close
12 6 Hamish
13 10 Hamish
14 1 Hamish
15 4 Hamish
If the serial port is current open, this command will close it and stop any serial communications.
16 3 Hamish
17 9 Hamish
## copyright
18 1 Hamish
19 10 Hamish
20 1 Hamish
21 3 Hamish
Print the copyright notice
23 9 Hamish
## data
24 3 Hamish
25 10 Hamish
    data *5|6|7|8*
26 1 Hamish
27 4 Hamish
Sets the number of data bits.  This command will not have any affect until the port is closed and re-opened.
28 3 Hamish
29 9 Hamish
## help
30 1 Hamish
31 3 Hamish
Show some quick help for the menu commands
32 1 Hamish
33 9 Hamish
## keepalive
34 5 Hamish
35 10 Hamish
36 5 Hamish
Toggles the state of Telnet keepalives.  If keepalives are turned on, then a Telnet Keepalive option is sent approximately once every two seconds.  This will create significantly more network traffic than normal, but will help to avoid sessions being terminated unexpectedly
39 9 Hamish
## kill_conn
40 1 Hamish
41 10 Hamish
    kill_conn *Connection ID*
42 1 Hamish
43 4 Hamish
Stop a given connection's serial communications.  This will close the serial port being used by the given *connection ID* and thus allow someone else to open that port.  This command can be used when an existing session has crashed, or if someone else has logged in and is blocking your work.  Since there is no authentication, this command is obviously open to abuse.
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## open
46 1 Hamish
47 10 Hamish
    open *[port number]*
48 1 Hamish
49 4 Hamish
Connect or resume communications with a serial port.  If no port number is specified then the current default port number is used.  If an serial port is already open, this will just resume communication with that port.
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## parity
52 1 Hamish
53 10 Hamish
    parity *no|even|odd|mark|space*
54 3 Hamish
55 4 Hamish
Set the serial parity.  This command will not have any affect until the port is closed and re-opened.
56 3 Hamish
57 9 Hamish
## port
58 1 Hamish
59 10 Hamish
    port *port number*
60 1 Hamish
61 4 Hamish
Set serial port number.  This command will not have any affect until the port is closed and re-opened.
62 3 Hamish
63 9 Hamish
## quit
64 1 Hamish
65 10 Hamish
66 1 Hamish
67 3 Hamish
Exit from this session
69 9 Hamish
## show_conn_table
70 1 Hamish
71 10 Hamish
72 1 Hamish
Show the connections table.  This table is mostly used for internal debugging information, however it contains the connection ID for all the current connections, which can be used with the *kill_conn* command
75 9 Hamish
76 1 Hamish
w000c2989d2df> show_conn_table
77 5 Hamish
Flags: A - Active Slot, N - Network active, S - Serial active,
78 7 Hamish
       M - Run Menu, B - Binary transmission, E - Echo enabled,
       K - Telnet Keepalives, * - This connection
80 5 Hamish
81 7 Hamish
s flags   id mThr net  netTh serial serialTh netrx nettx peer address
- ------- -- ---- ---- ----- ------ -------- ----- ----- ------------
0    ME    1 1884                               55  1598
84 8 Hamish
1 ANSMBEK  2 1888 1880     0   1844     1836    68  4264
85 7 Hamish
2*AN ME    3 1856 1868     0                   109  4657
3          0    0                                0     0
4          0    0                                0     0
5          0    0                                0     0
6          0    0                                0     0
7          0    0                                0     0
91 9 Hamish
92 4 Hamish
* *id* contains the connection ID for this slot
95 9 Hamish
## speed
96 2 Hamish
97 10 Hamish
    speed *bits per second*
98 1 Hamish
99 4 Hamish
Set serial port speed.  This command will not have any affect until the port is closed and re-opened.
100 1 Hamish
101 9 Hamish
## status
102 1 Hamish
103 10 Hamish
104 3 Hamish
105 1 Hamish
Show current serial port status
106 3 Hamish
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108 2 Hamish
w000c2989d2df> status
  port=1  speed=9600  data=8  parity=0  stop=0
114 1 Hamish
  connectionid=1  hostname=w000c2989d2df
115 7 Hamish
  echo=1  binary=0  keepalive=0
116 2 Hamish
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118 2 Hamish
119 9 Hamish
## stop
120 1 Hamish
121 3 Hamish
  stop *1|1.5|2*
123 4 Hamish
Set number of stop bits.  This command will not have any affect until the port is closed and re-opened.